Our mission started with a big problem..
"A little healthy and varied food must be enough, right?"
Unfortunately, science says otherwise:
Source: Consumentenbond (NL), ing. P. Blokker

But .. How could it have gone down like that!?



Sick ground
Sick crops
Sick animals
Weakened human health
The crucial importance of vitamins & minerals
Vitamins and minerals are essential for keeping the human body optimal and functional. They are, as it were, the oil that keeps the machine (the body) running. Because your body cannot produce most minerals and vitamins on its own, you need to ensure that you get enough of them.
In the world in which we live, this is becoming increasingly difficult with a varied diet and regular supplements and is a worrisome problem that little is done about it.
In 2025 we want to have planted over a 100,000 trees for the future.
Vittap started to make a difference and to draw more towards the essence of nature together.
Not just your vitamins but your whole lifestyle.